Improvised Shakespeare Co.

We’ve just put the finishing touches on some work for Chicago’s acclaimed improv group, The Improvised Shakespeare Company.  (Full disclosure: Very Clever’s own Nick Wagner is a member of the ISC.) We think it turned out very well.  The ISC is putting a new website together, and it’s likely that the video will be featured there in some form or another, but in the meantime, here it is!

Click here To Watch Video
Click to Watch!

And if you like that, you should catch the Improvised Shakespeare Company live on Friday nights at the iO Theatre.

Zombies Win!

We’re proud to announce that Very Clever’s The Never Did Do Blues has been named Best Film of the 2009 Chicago Film Race.  The film was also awarded Best Writing, Best Original Music Score[tie], and Best Sound Design[tie].  The Never Did Do Blues now moves on to the national competition where it will compete with the winners of every citywide Film Race of 2009.  You can see the full list of the Chicago winners here.

Vote for Very Clever Health Care Reform


As you saw below, Very Clever produced a short video for Organizing for America’s Health Care Reform Video Challenge.  We’re happy to announce that our video we’re one of the 20 Finalists!  You can check out our video and the other great finalists here.  You can also rate your favorite videos, and the winner will be aired to promote Health Care Reform. Your vote only counts is you rate all twenty videos, so set aside 10 minutes to vote for your favorite.  And if your favorite happened to be ours, that’s be great. Though not as great as comprehensive Health Care Reform.

The wages of Film Racing

asset 4.2 chuck face - originalasset 4.2 chuck face

…is having to ask people to vote for your film. Doesn’t roll off the tongue, does it?

Regardless, the top films from the 2009 Chicago Film Race are online, and voting is open for the online audience award.  Vote Here, if you’re so inclined, for our animated zombie musical The Never Did Blues.

Update:Voting Closed. Thanks!

I’mma Let You Finish

In light of our past work, we thought we’d contribute to the current internet meme:

"Return to Tomorrow" really is that good.

"Return to Tomorrow" really is that good.


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